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To help you build visually-rich ad experiences that easily drive consumers to action, we’ve brought together our top creative guidance across Google Ads solutions in a single guide. Learn to craft stronger calls-to-action, engaging ad copy and striking visual assets — plus, get the latest insights from our team of creative and data scientists at Creative Works. You can also explore tips by marketing objective in order to craft more impactful creative to meet your business goals.

An image of two phones featuring natural soap products.

The 4 pillars of compelling creative

Lead with a clear call-to-action:Businesses need to help consumers immediately see what they have to offer by including words like “you” to draw attention, and adding their product or brand name in headlines and descriptions.

Connect more authentically with a wide variety of assets:Given the variety of consumers looking online for new products to try, brands should show a wide range of people using their products or services to resonate with audiences.

Build for smaller screens: With people spending more time on a broad range of small devices, businesses should consider how and where consumers are seeing their ads and provide visual assets that clearly communicate their call-to-action.

Give your creatives time to test: Review Ad strength and asset reporting to better understand which assets resonate best and help you make the call on which to remove or replace.

Get help with building better assets

Consumers expect businesses of all sizes to offer more helpful brand experiences. Stand out with more relevant, engaging offers with help from our new guide to building better creative. And for more support with developing new creative assets or campaign strategies, check out our approved creative production agencies to find the right partner to help you achieve your business goals.

Article by Suzanne Pellican. Read full article here.